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As a Marine veteran, I’ve tried to live by our moto “Semper Fidelis” / “Always Faithful.” Reviewing the Knox County Commissioner candidates, one stands out in his race as one being “Always Faithful,” especially to the residents of Knox County.

That person is Thom Collier.

As a Knox County resident since 1982, I have seen or heard of Thom Collier serving our county for years (really decades). He has worked the Knox County Fair gates in the rain, sun and heat, raising funds for the Exchange Club. Those funds support the local youth, Americanism programs and their national program, child abuse prevention.

He’s passed out flags at many parades, not at as a Politian or candidate. He served the Knox County Big Brothers/Big Sisters and was awarded Big Brother of the Year. He’s donated his time and talent working in or serving on many boards including the American Cancer Society, Knox County Mental Health, Knox County Right to Life, CareNet/Starting Point, American Red Cross, and others.

At this is a Republican Primary since high school he’s worked getting Republicans and conservatives elected. He is and has worked hard in the Knox Republican Party for years and been involved with the local Republican headquarters working GOTV activities.
I write this to demonstrate that Thom Collier has been faithful and loyal to our community all his life, as a business owner, a public servant and local resident.

Compare him to his opponents. At recent events, when pressed to address their involvement in Knox County, Mr Phillips stated: “I haven’t got involved.” And Ms. Keesee just addresses that her children went to the MVNU and COTC. I believe the opponents have been in Knox County for at least 28 years. In my opinion, that’s a long time not to be involved. Now they want to be a commissioner!

Additionally, their support of the Republican cause is weak and in one case disingenuous. I don’t know of any of them working the local Republican Headquarters during elections. From my understanding, Ms. Keesee has only voted in 3 of the last 7 Republican primaries. Mr Phillips sought the Knox County Republican endorsement and now is advertising and soliciting Democrat and Non-Republican votes. Talk about acting in bad faith.

Thom Collier demonstrated his faithfulness and loyalty to Knox County for decades.
I trust Thom Collier with my vote, you should too.

Gary Reed
Mount Vernon, Ohio